Faster Than Truth – Reactions

Some early reactions are showing up for Faster Than Truth and I’m delighted to share them:

Loved Faster Than Truth. A great book for adult as well as younger readers. So pertinent to today’s world with understated humour—had me hooked right from the start. M.L.

Wonderful, quirky characters. Humorous, but with a terrific message about finding the truth in journalism. Denman is skilled at writing compelling, fun stories that also delve deep into social issues. S.H.

In today’s world a story can take on a life of its own faster than anyone expects. I liked the progression of the main character as he realizes things aren’t always black and white, but he can be true to himself and his desire to write the truth. K.A.

I finished Faster Than Truth last night and that story gleams! It’s complex and cerebral while being totally engaging. Congratulations! D.T.

And here’s a link to a generous, thoughtful review from one of my dear writing critique group members:

(A note about critique groups – if you’re writing and don’t have one, try to make it happen. Writing is solitary work and having beta readers and cheerleaders and someone to periodically ask, “Why am I doing this again?” is like creating a healthy wee but mighty ecosystem. So good!)

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